Art Lamp News — haunted house cake lamp

Reclaim Magazine Featured Artist

abstract painting arty lamps contmporary painting Grenfell Towers haunted cake house lamp haunted house cake lamp lighting ideas mel winning mels art lamps modern art quirky art reclaimed art reclaimed lamps recycled lamps wall art

Reclaim Magazine Featured Artist

Thanks to Reclaim Magazine for making me Featured Artist This Month. 

A really nice interview about my work and use of reclaimed materials. 

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The Haunted Cake House

haunted cake house lamp haunted house cake lamp lighting ideas quirky art quirky lamp reclaimed art spooky lamp

The Haunted Cake House

Almost complete now just some tweaks. Some openings had to be cut inside the walls to let in light to all 4 rooms from the two lamp sources, lamps are on a dimmer switch. I made some character ghosts with self drying clay then painted them with egg shell paint. I wanted to move them around like chess pieces within the structure of the house. They are all named and numbered, that gave me the idea that they could be part of a mini story in each room. The two legged hound and rabid rabbit stalk the ghostly grounds. The only fixed piece is the hanging man a nod to  the song strange fruits, my favourite version by Nina Simone. 

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