Art Lamp News — modern art

Alien Piccasso Mannequin Lamp Art Now The Pollenator

art lamps arty lamps Digital arts lighting ideas mannequin art mannequin lamp mel winning mels art lamps melsartlamps modern art quirky art quirky lamp quirky lamps reclaimed art reclaimed lamps recycled lamps unique lighting

Alien Piccasso Mannequin Lamp Art Now The Pollenator


As usual you have an idea in your mind and it morphed into something different. Largely inspired by seasonal pollen a dead bea found on my window sill and a butterfly given to me by a friend. The cutout  panels which i had originally painted proved too busy for this idea,  so I removed them all and replaced two to hide the lamp holder inside and soften the light but also to highlight my insects s a lightbox would. There are cutout left for the light to spill back and front. The original cut out pieces were arranged over the holes to give it a more 3d effect. I think it has a really vintage decorative feel, fragile and beautiful just like our planet. I have renamed this lamp The Pollenator

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Hall Lamp

art lamps arty lamps lighting ideas mannequin art mannequin lamp mel winning mels art lamps melsartlamps modern art quirky lamp quirky lamps reclaimed art recycled lamps red orange gold blue green art unique lighting

Hall Lamp

Arkaroola Dreaming Reclaimed Mannequin Art Lamp looking spectacular in a beautiful georgian house hallway. The large canvas is one of my abstracts using oil and plaster to add to the story of the Australian outback. The light at night is spectacular and during the day it is bright and cosy. A beautiful arty hallway, with unique reclaimed artwork!

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Open Heart

art lamps arty lamps lighting ideas mannequin lamp mels art lamps modern art quirky lamp quirky lamps reclaimed art reclaimed lamps recycled lamps unique lighting

Open Heart

Open Heart. i wanted to keep this one simple with a glow. Using a bright pink paint inside it produced a fantastic rosey light on the wall great ambient sexy effect. The body is painted eggshell white but textured by using tile adhesive mesh stuck to the body and painted through in layers. The cut out at the back produces a fabulous effect of spotlit perfection. A unique light from a beautiful lamp!

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Casa de Pajaros

abstract painting art lamps arty lamps contemporary paintings contmporary painting lighting ideas mel winning mels art lamps melsartlamps modern art quirky art quirky lamps reclaimed lamps recycled lamps red orange gold blue green art

Casa de Pajaros

I've loved making this one to the music of Frida in the background of my studio. A bit of relief in lockdown to make something joyous and free. 

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Reclaim Magazine Featured Artist

abstract painting arty lamps contmporary painting Grenfell Towers haunted cake house lamp haunted house cake lamp lighting ideas mel winning mels art lamps modern art quirky art reclaimed art reclaimed lamps recycled lamps wall art

Reclaim Magazine Featured Artist

Thanks to Reclaim Magazine for making me Featured Artist This Month. 

A really nice interview about my work and use of reclaimed materials. 

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